Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Social Media Definitions: K

Klout is a measurement tool that uses social media analytics to work out who the most influential people are across the social networks via the "Klout Score". Klout scores range from 1 to 100, with higher scores corresponding to a higher ranking of the breadth and strength of one's online social influence. Influence is determined with a myriad of engagement factors, including shares, mentions, likes, retweets, number of followers and quality of followers. It's not, however, a race for followers - a high Klout score comes from quality of interaction, not quantity of interaction. According to Klout, "Posting a thousand times and getting zero responses is not as influential as posting once and getting a thousand responses. It is not about how much someone talks, but about how many people listen and respond. What's more, there appears to be a direct correlation between a high social influence score and number of backlinks - the higher the Klout score, the more backlinks to that user's site.

Klout uses Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Wikipedia, Instagram, Bing, Google+, Tumblr, Foursquare, Youtube, Blogger, Wordpress, Last.fm, Yammer and Flickr data to create Klout user profiles that are assigned a unique "Klout Score". Users with Klout scores of 63 and above are in the top 5 percent of users. Score is measured using data from the past 90 days.

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